Why are scholarship gifts important? Sixty percent of students come to Morehouse from households with a family income of $40,000 or less. Because of the College's prestigious international reputation, hundreds of highly-motivated and gifted students of color apply to Morehouse each year. The College, however, is facing increasing competition in its efforts to enroll these students as other liberal arts institutions try to entice our applicant pool, offering larger scholarships.
Your donation today can help give Morehouse the edge as we compete for top students, make college more affordable, and navigate the increasing costs to operate. Scholarships fuel the hopes and dreams of the men of Morehouse as they prepare for lives focused on leadership, service, and excellence in their chosen career fields.
Many young men dream of attending Morehouse College—some are already students and are struggling to make ends meet. Today you can make a gift to the General Scholarship Fund to help make Morehouse accessible and keep the dream alive!